What are submersibles
At over 3,600 meters (2.23 miles), the ocean is a world of crushing pressure, extreme cold and near-total darkness.
To visit these environments, scientists and explorers require special equipment, advanced underwater vehicles capable of managing the challenges of deep-sea habitats. These vehicles are more commonly referred to as submersibles.

How they work
Over the last few decades, submersible technology has improved dramatically, providing the ability to bring scientists’ own eyes and knowledge as deep as thousands of meters underwater to explore, observe, collect samples, and conduct research first-hand.
These deep-water excursions have led to many breakthroughs over the past 50 years, including the investigation of hydrothermal vents, the discovery of the RMS Titanic shipwreck, and oceanographic research at depths never before imagined.
Today’s submersibles contain compact pressure hulls with windows that allow direct viewing and control of the lights, cameras, sensors, and manipulators’ arms required to observe and collect biological and geological samples.
The submersible can be used when taking sediment and water samples, or fitted with a set of tools for sensitive marine biology research.
The submersible can be equipped with a small-scale fly-out ROV for inspections of wrecks or other objects. With a Side Scan or Multibeam Sonar for mapping the sea floor. 5 and 7-axis manipulator arms, cutters, grinders, cleaning and survey equipment.
Submersibles are giving scientists the ability to explore the ocean depths first-hand, providing the opportunity for scientific breakthroughs and inspiring generations of future explorers.
About the images
RWMT work with nation states, government agencies and institutions on sensitive and often classified operations. Also, the tools we use are constantly being evaluated and changes depending on the nature of the operation. Because of this, we have sometimes chosen to show example images of the tools we use, rather than images from actual projects.