RWMT's sub-bottom scanning technology generates high-resolution images by analyzing echoes detected from multiple simultaneous low-frequency ultrasound pulses. The technology is both environmentally friendly and non-invasive and therefor sensitive animal and plant life is not affected.
Here’s how it works:
Low-frequency ultrasound signals are emitted from a transducer mounted on our scanning boat or towed behind the boat in a towed body. The signals are sent toward the bottom and down into the sediment; echoes of these signals are captured and analyzed.
The indication site is determined using precision GPS in combination with an underwater positioning system (USBL). The scanning boat is steered by autopilot to achieve the required accuracy during the scanning process.
After the scanning is completed, the raw data is handled and processed in our proprietary software. Raw data processing requires a lot of computer power, but advanced image analysis by the RWMT engineering team does this quickly and efficiently.
RWMT’s system is also distinguished by its high resolution and dynamics. With low, multiple ultrasound frequencies, the system can detect objects and structures that are not visible using other methods - such as waterlogged wood.
This is how RWMT is different from other technologies
Competing systems are more general and cannot map the near bottom sediment layer with the same degree of accuracy. Instead, they will rely on more environmentally harmful methods often used to examine the sea bottom, such as digging and test drilling in the bottom sediment.
These environmentally harmful methods also require complex and time-consuming permit applications.
RWMT’s method also requires permits, but ones that is easier to obtain since our method does not harm animal and plant life or affect the bottom sediment.

About the images
RWMT work with nation states, government agencies and institutions on sensitive and often classified operations. Also, the tools we use are constantly being evaluated and changes depending on the nature of the operation. Because of this, we have sometimes chosen to show example images of the tools we use, rather than images from actual projects.