Robert Wilson Marine Technologies

Robert Wilson Marine Technologies (RWMT) is a Swedish business group founded 2017.

Our customers are nation states, multinational conglomerates, government agencies and institutions responsible for the fields of environmental protection, defense, security, infrastructure, and cultural preservation.

We help the world discover the mysteries of the ocean


The RWMT management team is a diverse team with deep experience in international operations.
View our team

Strategic advisors

At a strategic level close to the CEO and board, there are several highly qualified people with a past in the Swedish navy and also a retired admiral from the Ecuadorian navy.

They interact with our partners (ministries, defence forces, government agencies, etc.) to ensure that everything we do is in compliance with international marine law and regulations.

Operational activities

The company has a strict, military-like structure with well-defined responsibilities for planning, implementation and follow-up of operations.

The company appoints an operations manager with direct responsibility for managing on-site operations.

Technical Department

RWMT’s software and hardware are developed by highly experienced engineers educated at the Swedish Royal Institute of Technology, with backgrounds in medical, defence and IT industries.

The technical department heads the continous development of RWMT's scanning equipment and analysis software. 

Marketing and Sales

Our marketing and sales are led by the company's CEO with extensive experience in international business and with a broad international business network.

A multinational business group

Robert Wilson Marine Technologies AB
RWMT Sweden AB
RWMT Ecuador SA
OUR Vision

RWMT will be the world leader in the mapping and discovery of our world’s oceans, lakes and waterways. Our non-invasive technology will usher in a safer age of exploration, better for our customers and better for our planet.

Do you want to learn more about RWMT or our services?